Join Us

Advocacy Beyond Borders is committed to excellence and we know you are too!

We are excited to offer membership opportunities for dedicated Patient Advocacy Groups and Industry Groups to create a stronger patient-centred global community.

Collaboration and partnerships are at the heart of our vision and we would like to warmly welcome you to join with us. Together, we CAN create a better future for all…

Patient Advocacy Groups

ABB Patient Advocacy Group Membership

We are thrilled that you are interested in becoming part of our collective network. We are always on the lookout for passionate and driven groups who share our commitment to excellence and our vision for a stronger patient centred community. We want to work with you to support your efforts in advocacy.

We believe that by collaborating with patient organisation groups we can create a supportive and inclusive global community who are dedicated to develop their skills in advocacy to leave an impactful footprint on the rare disease community globally.

Get started and join our FREE community today!

Once inside you will see the list of amazing resources we have put together to start your journey…


Industry Group Membership

ABB Industry Group Membership

We are excited to offer Industry Groups the opportunity to join with Advocacy Beyond Borders - a leading organisation in the rare disease and advocacy space.

Whilst industry is a dedicated sector providing innovative solutions to meet the needs of various patient communities, they can be an integral part of the patient journey and an important partner for patients to have better quality of life.

We value strong partnerships and are committed to building long term relationships with our industry partners, based on communication, trust and collaboration to ensure the best outcomes.

We want to have a deeper understanding of the pharmaceutical sector to use the latest research and technology to tailor effective solutions to our patient community, both at a local and regional level.

We believe in putting the patient first and want to connect you with these valuable people to develop solutions that are specific to their focus area.

One-time Industry Group Membership Inclusions:

  • An Introductory Zoom Meeting

  • Discover Session

  • An Invitation to Our 6 Monthly Progress / Opportunities Webinars

One time

Let us help you ensure long-lasting connections to communities that will make a difference. Partner with us!